We are pleased to announce that the Port of Gdańsk Authority has decided to support our Foundation financially. We thank them for their trust and we are glad that such an important institution on the Polish coast has joined the ranks of our friends.
The Port of Gdańsk Authority PLC was established in 1998 as a commercial company and operates on the basis of the Law on Sea Ports and Harbours and the Code of Commercial Companies. It replaced the Port of Gdańsk Authority SA. It continues the traditions of its predecessors and is the only entity managing the port. The company's shareholders are: the State Treasury, the Gdańsk Council and eligible employees.
The activities of the Port of Gdańsk Authority PLC include:
property and port infrastructure management
forecasting, programming and planning of port development
construction, expansion, maintenance and modernization of port infrastructure
real estate acquisition for port development
provision of services related to the use of port infrastructure, in particular ensuring:
fire protection of managed facilities and areas
fire protection of ships and other floating objects in the waters of the port, harbour or harbour anchorage
ensuring access to port reception facilities for waste from ships for recovery or disposal